There are a number of things you can do to make WAST even stronger than it is today.Such things are participating in AYYAPPA BHAJANs, TRUST ACTIVITIES, and educating AYYAPPA DEVOTTEES and the public about WAST'S PURPOSE OF EXISTENSE. here are some examples of Everyday ways we can support World Ayyappa Sev Trust:
ATTEND AYYAPPA BHAJAN AND SATSANG regularly. If you cannot attend Satsang, please visit Ayyappa Seva Trust Face Book Page
STAY INFORMED. Keep up with current events and what's happening In North America and around the World. Visit web site to keep up with the latest news that are related to Lord Ayyappa and Sabarimala.
PARTICIPATE in all WAST activities Whether it's Bhajan , Satsang or Charity Drive . Your opinion counts and can make a world of a difference.
GET TO KNOW other Ayyappa Devottes and start a Family Network uniting everyone under one cause.
ATTEND Karkidaka Vavu Bali and other events when you can. You may not be able to make it to al lthe events, but standing together shows strength in numbers.
BECOME AN E-ACTIVIST.If you are online regularly, register with and be sure to sign up for News Letter Alerts to be notified about key functions and ways you can take action online.
SPREAD THE WORD and Educate others. Talk about what World Ayyappa Seva Trust means to you. Tell your friends and relatives you bump into about benefits of being a Ayyappa Devottee.